This week, I want to convince you to be more DUMB, let me explain, but first a little story:
I have a difficult relationship with goals…
🔮Setting goals seems, to me, like trying to predict the future:
You look into your crystal bowl and see yourself 4.5 kilos lighter, speaking japanese and with 5 new clients for your business…
How likely are you to achieve those goals? It depends on how 🧠SMART you made them. Little reminder, SMART is an acronym for:
Or in other words, a concrete goal that you know you can do in a specific time frame.
…Wait, but if it is something you are 100% sure you can achieve, and know 100% by when you can do it, why even call this a goal? It becomes just a task that you can put in your 📅calendar or management system… no?
I can hear you through the web:
“But Lud, you can also make Stretch goals, for example add 20% more than what you are sure to accomplish”.
Fair point, but you just made your goal DUMBER, which in my book is a good thing 🙂.
Two years ago, I came up with my own acronym for my personal goal setting “DUMB” goals:
Directed: Your goal should align to your values (or the values of your company in a professional setting)
Unique: It should be personal and something only you can contribute too (or have your special touch)
Meaningful: You want something purposeful, that has a positive impact on yourself, people around you, or maybe even the world.
Bold: Be courageous, aim high, failure is part of achieving great things!
With this way, my goals are less smart, but I’m able to be more innovative, switch approaches, focus more on habits than hitting specific numbers… No crystal ball needed.
This newsletter is part of my goal to not let my creative-self die, create more, and share with others the power of “Visual thinking”.
It is pretty DUMB, I think 😁.
I’m curious of your thoughts on the “DUMB” goals, do you have similar criteria for your goals?
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